أنا أموت ولكن عملي لن يموت

القديس دانيال كومبوني

Blossom where God planted you

Saint Francis de Salle

For those who seek to know, understand and embrace a particular vocation in the Church, this page is yours.

What is Vocation?

Vocation in the Church is the call for a particular mission that God has carefully placed in the depths of each person.

Responding to this call leads to the good of oneself and the good of others

Types of vocations in the church

Vocation in The Church consists mainly of three types

Secular Life

Priestly Life

Consecrated Life

Secular Life

Secular Life is characterized by the presence of the christian in the society, by his work and civic participation.

The lay christian carries within her the values ​​of the christian faith whose witness she bears in the society.

The secular life is an active Christian life, whose place is society. Even if lay Christian do have a particular place and role in the church, the main place where they express their Christian commitment is their daily life choices either at work or in the family.

The lay Christian can be single, married or widowed.

René Descartes
René Descartes
Louis Pasteur

Descartes and Louis Pasteur were lay Christian who, through their knowledge, influenced the history of humanity.

There are as well many lay Christians scientist that lived an impactful life through their science.


Priesthood is the service of God and His people primarily through the celebration of the sacraments

The priest lives in a diocese under the rule of his ordinary bishop.


A consecrated life rooted deeply in the example and teaching of Christ the Lord, is a gift from God the Father to His Church through the Spirit. Thanks to the acknowledgment of the evangelical counsels, the distinguishing features of Jesus   – chaste, poor and obedient – are “visible” in the midst of the world in a perfect and permanent way , and believers are called to return to the mystery of the kingdom of God, which is already at work in history, but is waiting to take its full dimensions in heaven

In the consecrated life, there are lays and priests

However, according to traditional church doctrine, consecrated life is, by its very nature, neither secular nor priestly, and therefore, “secular consecration”, male or female, constitutes in itself a complete state of evangelical counselors’ confession

Want to speak with a consecrated person to find out more? Connect with a real person living that vocation you want to deepen

Write to abelduhk@gmail.com

Although vocation is a gift from God, it can also be a complex reality to understand.

Discover the different types of religious vocations through this series of videos



The Religious Priest in the Church